01922 639080 209 - 212 Stafford Street, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 8DW

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Could the new, improved help-to-buy scheme help you?

Help-to-buy schemes are not a new idea, but significant changes are being made from April this year that mean more people could benefit. If you’re wondering if you’ll ever be able to afford your own home, or take that all important first step to becoming a home owner, it could be worth considering. We’ve put
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Unregulated will writing – are you one of the tens of thousands at risk?

Whilst we advocate the importance of having a written will in place should the worst happen, you need to know that it’s valid, legal and will stand up to scrutiny – otherwise it’s not worth having at all! Last year, the Legal Ombudsman stated concerns that there are tens of thousands of wills produced by
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Proud sponsor of Walsall College business hub

Walker Solicitors is a trade name of Walker Solicitors Ltd. Registered in England (Company No: 9608224). Registered office: 209-212 Stafford Street, Walsall WS2 8DW. A list of members is available for inspection at this office. We use the word ‘partner’ to refer to a member of the company or an employee or consultant who is a solicitor with equivalent standing and qualification.

The firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority - No:000623514

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